Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) is recognized worldwide as essential for human health and wellness. PEMF uses electrical energy to direct a series of magnetic pulses through tissue, whereby each magnetic pulse induces tiny electrical signals that stimulate and provide a virtual massage for the cells.
Add PEMF therapy to your Integrative Energy Body Therapy session for just $30. PEMF therapy session alone: $50/hour.
Pubmed.com has over 3,700 studies illustrating the benefits of PEMF — just enter pemf into the search engine. These studies show that every illness is a voltage problem and PEMF has been proven to raise voltage in the body. Here’s the link to the main website for this device: http://pulsedharmonix.com
PEMF is an FDA approved therapeutic device that promotes the healing of:
- Sports Injuries
- Arthritic Conditions
- Pain Relief: Headaches, Muscle and Joint
- Back and Joint Problems
- Edema and Swelling
- Hip Imbalances
- Chronic Joint Pain
- Circulatory Issues
- Skin Wound Healing
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and more.
The PEMF therapy technology aids in:
- Strengthening immune system
- Reducing pain, swelling, and inflammation
- Repairing of damaged and diseased tissue
- Improving circulation
- Repairing torn tendons and fractured bones
- Increasing cellular level of oxygen absorption
- Enhancing the synthesis of protein in the cells
- Stimulating the hormonal system and the body’s natural healing processes
- Influencing ion exchange at the cellular level and greatly improves the oxygen utilization of diseased or damaged tissues
- Detoxifying the body
- Influencing cell behavior by inducing electrical changes around and within the cell
- Improving calcium transport increasing absorption of calcium in bones and cartilage in joints
- Working as a catalyst to increase bone density and muscle mass