From ancient to modern times, different cultures have been utilizing plants and their properties in diverse ways including application of medicinal properties. Herbalism refers to the traditional and folk practices of the medicinal use of plants and plant extracts.
As an Herbalist in training through The East West School of Herbology, I am studying “Planetary Herbology”, a blend of the three major herbal systems of the world — Western herbalism, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine (TAM). Planetary Herbology is, therefore, a complex, but comprehensive approach to herbalism. A consultation will include a questionnaire that inquires about your symptoms. For example, in TCM, there is no such thing as an insignificant symptom or problem. You may be asked if you have a tendency to feel hot or cold, whether you tend to have a certain taste in your mouth, about the quality of your sleep and digestion, whether you have a tendency toward a certain emotional state (i.e., sadness, depression, etc.), and whether you have any pain or swelling. Herbal recommendations will be based on your symptoms, physical indications (red eyes, pale face, dry hair, etc.), and other indications that consider your overall constitution.
After an initial assessment to gain insight into your overall health, research will be conducted to determine the best herbal, essential oil, or flower essence recommendations for your health and well-being. Recommendations may include an outlined program for you to follow with other suggestions that help you take responsibility for your overall health.